Monday, March 5, 2007

Electra Taurus Star -Tara

Electra is in the Taurus constellation. The stars brightness of 3.72 it is the third of the nine brightest stars in the Pleuades star cluster. It belongs to the B6III class, it is approxamitley 440 lightyears away from the sun. It is one of the four Pleiades stars classed as a giant. It is continually expanding due to the hydrogen fuel in the core.

Electra is sometimes occulated by other planets in our solar system it doesn’t happen vary often, infact the last time it happened was by Venus in 1841. Electra although it is best seen in January, is one of the Zodiac stars of the Taurus constellation, which is in the april 20 to may 20 cycle. The Pleuades star cluster and all the stars in it have an accurate age of 130 million years old.

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